Tag: abundance


ChatGPT Reveals Money Attraction Steps

I didn’t write the bulk of this blog post.

I asked ChatGPT to tell me how to attract money.

Before I show you what it “wrote,” let ChatGPT tell you what it is:

ChatGPT is a computer program that can talk to people like a human. It can understand what you say and respond to you in a helpful way. It has been trained on lots of information from the internet and can answer questions, provide information, and even make small talk. It’s like having a really smart friend you can talk to anytime!

I’m not so sure I agree with that, but since ChatGPT is the raging trend right now, let’s play along.

I asked it to tell me how to attract money.

Here’s what it wrote:

Attracting money involves a combination of mindset, action, and opportunity. Here are some tips to help you attract money:

  1. Develop a positive money mindset: The way you think about money can impact your ability to attract it. If you have negative thoughts and beliefs about money, it can be difficult to attract more of it. Try to focus on abundance and believe that there is plenty of money to go around.
  2. Take action: Attracting money isn’t just about thinking positively, it’s also about taking action. Consider ways to increase your income, whether it’s through a side hustle, a new job, or investing. Take steps to improve your financial situation.
  3. Be open to opportunities: Opportunities to make money can come from unexpected places. Be open to new opportunities and don’t be afraid to take risks.
  4. Manage your money wisely: Attracting money isn’t just about making more of it, it’s also about managing it wisely. Make a budget, save money, and invest in yourself and your future.
  5. Give back: Giving back can be a powerful way to attract more money into your life. When you give, you create a positive energy that can attract more abundance into your life.

Remember that attracting money takes time and effort. It’s not a quick fix, but by taking the right steps and developing a positive mindset, you can increase your chances of attracting more money into your life.

Again, the above was not written by me.
It was “written” by the ChatGPT system at https://chat.openai.com/
But I agree with the information.
The info is solid, if superficial, but the writing is weak.
If you want MY view on how to attract money, see my books, such as Attract Money Now, Money Loves Speed, and The Awakened Millionaire.
Expect Miracles.
And expect money.
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – My new book is now on Amazon:

What I’m Learning from TV

I’m probably learning more than anyone else watching or listening to my new e-TV show, “Zero Limits Living.”
For example –
  • When I interviewed the grandson of Viktor Frankl, I was embarrassed to discover one of the most famous quotes attributed to the “Man’s Search for Meaning” author was actually never said or written by him. (!)
  • When I interviewed John Assaraf, he taught me the importance of not only having a vision board – or in his case a vision notebook – but the importance of reviewing it EVERY DAY.
  • When I interviewed Martin Rutte about creating heaven on earth, I was moved to tears to understand the little things we can do are all we need to experience heaven here now.
  • When I interviewed Natalie Ledwell of Mind Movies, I was reminded that we are always given the means to achieve or attract a dream we have.
I could go on.
I’ve interviewed over 40 people so far.
And recently I interviewed one of the greatest movie stars, singers, performers, and presenters in modern history – A true living legend!
For the ease of it, I’m putting them all online in one place.
Just go to –
I post a new show every Friday.
And yes, they are all free.
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – Be sure to check out my 3 for 3 offer at
Thank you
I love you

Zero Limits Living TV

I’m constantly learning.
Learning how to live, accomplish, achieve, attract and so much more.
I’m excited to say these days I’m learning directly from the masters.
I’m interviewing them on my new weekly e-TV show.
Every Friday I post a new episode of “Zero Limits Living.”
The show is becoming a global hit – now being seen on Roku, YouTube, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Luxe TV – on more than 1,000 platforms! You can also just go to –
I’m having a blast bringing you inspiration and information, thanks to Luxe Media Studios on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.
They wanted to help me get my message to the world and handed me my own TV show.
How cool is that?
I’m interviewing people with astonishing stories and amazing advice – To help you practically, abundantly, spiritually and more.
If you want to discover surprising life lessons, hard earned advice, simple shortcuts, brilliant hacks and key insights into “Zero Limits Living,” then please go see –
Best of all?
It’s all free.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – “Zero Limits Living ” on Luxe TV is accessible on over 1,000 devices  including iOS devices, Android devices, MACs, PCs, streaming media boxes such as Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, and Nexus Player. You can also find my show on audio podcast on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Amazon Podcasts, Amazon Alexa, Deezer, iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. If you like it, tell the world! 🙂

My Favorite Quote

I love quotes.

A good one liner can awaken you, entertain you, educate you, and more.

One of my recent favorites was written centuries ago.

Seneca (the ancient Stoic who who wrote letters and essays to help us today) left us this juicy tidbit –

“It’s all in your head. You have the power to make things seem hard or easy or even amusing. The choice is yours.”

At first glance you may not grasp the power in his statement.

It’s a reminder that you have a choice about how you see your life.

Whatever you are going through right now can be seen in at least three different ways.

Most of us let the default “It’s hard” run us.

We don’t feel very inspired or empowered with that view.

Life sucks.

But what if you changed it to “It’s easy”?

We can now move to a clearer place, see our options, and maybe even enjoy the process.

Life rocks.

And what about — dare I say it – “It’s amusing”?


What you are going through can be amusing?

Seneca didn’t say it WAS amusing, he said you could make it SEEM amusing.

Big difference.

Again, it’s all about how you choose your perception.

To understand this quote, as well as how to thrive in troubled times, please go see —


Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – Remember, if you want weekly inspiration, see my new e-TV show. It’s on Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, LuxeTV app, or just head over to



Stoicism to LOA to EFT

I’m covering everything on my new weekly online TV show – from Seneca’s Stoicism to The Secret’s Law of Attraction to EFT Tapping to mindset, beliefs, coaching, ho’oponopono and more – and I’m just getting started! Every Friday I post a new episode. Every show is full of inspiration and information to help you achieve “Zero Limits Living.” Sign up for notifications, and watch all the recent episodes, at https://www.joevitale.com/zero-limits-living-tv

Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe